Hello, I’m a beginner on Dorico, I come from Sibelius, Notion, Cubase…
Dorico is a superior software but it seems to have bugs and missing everyday functionallities.
Maybe I’m wrong, but If so, maybe the notice should say it.
Missing functionnalities:
What can’t I find rehearsal marks anywhere?
Why isn’t there a “go to marker”? SO useful! How can you live without it?
I can’t find anyway to scroll the video for fine synchronization.
-Let me tell you again that I spend a lot of time with the notice, so if it does exist, the notice should say it-
Could you please implement the CC121 for Dorico? After all, you’re Steinberg, right? Should be logical.
I find the shortcut list not intuitive. Not big a problem but could be better. There are so many functions out there, shortcuts are essential.
In read mode, I can’t seem to find a way to display two -or more- tracks at the same time, like in cubase. Please help.
Now about bug report:
The writing cursor, when in Quarter, sometimes does crazy implements.
I’m using note performer, most of the time, and it happens that I’m on cello and WHILE WRITING I hear a flute or whatever. Playback gets back to normal.
A great bug would be when you have, for exemple, a 2/4 bar before a 4/4
If I want to change the 2/4 into 3/4, the weirdest thing happen!
Some instruments are 3/4 while other stay in 2/4!
I managed to get out of this by deleting the 4/4 and writing it back again.
Like said with note performer, I had out of sync moments when the audio is delayed -more than a second- from the score.
Dorico is a superior software, no doubt, but it feels young. Please hurry up and make it complete. Thank you very much.
Professional composer from France.