Dorico and Windows 11

I´m working with Dorico 3.0 (2019) using Windows 10 and want to ask if it runs also with Windows 11? Thanks for help!

Dorico v3?
Please read this section:
Reminder: eLicenser service ends soon
in here

“We strongly recommend that you consider updating to the latest version of Dorico before the eLicenser service is shut down…”

Direct Steinberg reference:

If you have questions about this, ask here and Daniel from Steinberg (or someone) can give you more information.

@tastenonkel it seems they will be discounting Dorico before the licensing servers will be shutdown. A reference to this here.
If you normally get emails/newsletters from time to time from Steinberg, they should inform you about the sale, otherwise check here at the forum from time to time or on the Steinberg site for any news.

There have been hundreds of improvements and additions since v3, and even if you only use it for basic notation, there have been refinements to placement and look since then.
You can read about the various changes in the Version history 1–5 link then the most up-to-date Version history for v5 just released is in the first link (Dorico 5.1.80) in the first reply to you in the section " Other fixes".
Dorico v5 works with Windows 11 as you would expect :slight_smile:

Hi @tastenonkel, D3 works wonderfully in W11. As @arco said, an upgrade to D5 is strongly recommended, and highly productive! D5 runs in W10 as well :wink:

@tastenonkel Dorico (and others) on discount right now, until 5 February 2025.
Edit: I’m not sure it includes upgrades though.