Dorico crashes since new version released

I’ve noticed a substantial increase in crashes and log files being created with the new version 5.1.60. I send them to Steinberg but I’m curious what’s going on. Most of them are related to the VST audio engine. Has anyone else been experiencing this as well?

Attached is the diagnostics file as per John Barron’s recommendation.

Dorico (1.8 MB)

The crashes of the audio engine all point at EastWest’s Opus as the culprit, i.e. Opus crashes and therefore pulls down the whole audio engine process.
Please report to EastWest and provide them the crash files. Thanks

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Thank you for the info!
I’ll contact East-West ASAP.


I’ve had a number of back and forth emails with EastWest but the issue persists. Would it be possible for someone from the Steinberg/Dorico team to contact the tech I’m talking with at EastWest?


I’ve sent you a private message via this board, please check.