My additional fonts (Golden Age, for example) just went missing after installing the Cubase 14 update (I believe). Maybe due to the fact that it now includes some Dorico functionality? I restored the missing fonts via a Time Machine restore.
Yes, this has been reported by others.
Make sure you reinstall the fonts and the JSON files in /Library/Application Support/SMuFL.
I’m having the same experience. I installed Cubase 14, and the only fonts available in Dorico are Bravura and Petaluma.
Where are the fonts? I can copy the .otf and json files into the right place, but where do I find them?
I had the same problem, too.
For what it’s worth, these were the fonts that went missing:
Finale Ash, Finale Broadway, Finale Jazz, Finale Maestro, Golden Age, Leipzig and Leland
These were the fonts that made it through the Cubase 14 installation:
BopMusic SMFL, Bravura, Finale Engraver, Finale Legacy, LS Iris, November 2, Petaluma, Sebastian and The Copyist.
I thought a Time Machine restore of the Library/ Application Support/SMUFL/ Fonts directory would work but no - the fonts themselves were no longer in the main font directory (scary!). There’s an installer for all the Finale fonts but that appears to break the new (?) convention of the Fonts / Other Fonts setup in the main SMUFL/Fonts folder so some editing is necessary afterwards. It was easier for me to restore Golden Age and Leland from backups.
If you’ve got backups, I’d try restoring those first. If not, the SMUFL fonts are listed here.