I’ve been experiencing trouble with Dorico ever since applying the 5.1.80 update yesterday. It’s been crashing at either the load or the exit process, and it’s never the same thing twice. Sometimes it refuses to load because it can’t connect to the Audio server (solved by blowing out the :\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\Dorico 5\cachedFileDataProvider directory cache), while other times it simply freezes on the NotePerformer load popup message (solved by killing the VSTAudioEngine5 process, and sometimes the Dorico5 process as well). Regardless of these problems being solvable on my end, they’re happening much too frequently.
I’m uploading a ZIP file to my Dropbox shared folder (too big to post here) of a Process Explorer minidump of the VSTAudioEngine5 process from the last crash, just prior to me killing the process. In this instance, the NotePerformer load screen had hung. Can you use this to help debug what’s going on? Please advise, and thanks for your help.
Hi @leejackson ,
sorry to hear about your trouble since the update.
First of all, yes, that dump file is useful, it shows that the audio engine is somehow stuck in the Steinberg Built-in ASIO driver. But it would be nice if you could also do a diagnostic report (Help > Create Diagnostic Report) since that also contains log files of the last 10 runs as well as crash dumps.
You say it happens frequently, can you induce the hanging or crashing and could you show it to me in a remote screen sharing session?
Thank you, @Ulf , for the quick reply! Here is the Diagnostic Report you requested: Dorico Diagnostics.zip (2.2 MB)
I’ve never done a remote screen sharing session, and I’m behind a firewall. On top of that, I’m not sure how to induce one of the crashes - they happen at random. I apologize for not being more help on this.
Quick question: has there been an update to the ASIO driver outside of the download that came with version 5.1.80 yesterday? If so, might I be able to download it somewhere on the Steinberg support site, perhaps?
EDIT: I found it. I was running v1.0.8. For sheer safety’s sake, I went ahead and updated to v1.0.9.
The driver 1.0.9 changed just a little and only in regards to Windows on ARM, so from your perspective no change.
In regards to the cachedFileDataProvider, are you actually running Dorico always or sometimes in admin mode?
And in your diagnostics are lots of freezedumps of the audio engine, but they are all of zero size and therefore unfortunately useless. I’m going now through the logs and see what I can find…
In the logs I see that you have also still the old Generic Low Latency Driver installed. Can you try that instead and see if it runs more stable then with you? Thanks
Can only Confirm that the latest update of Dorico Pro is totally unstable in Windows 11 it dosen’t matter what sound engine is in use. Its crashing alot when starting Noteperformer… What i found out is that noteperformers playengine causes most of the crashes to avoid that… → load dorico first, load the project, then deactivate the project… load noteperformers playengine → when loaded, reactivate the project. — i use cubase pro 14 in conjuction as a sketching tool at the same time too so its always good to start dorico first otherwise crash too.
The latest version of Dorico is no more or less unstable on Windows 11 than the previous version. If you’re experiencing instability, we need to investigate what’s happening on your specific computer. Please do Help > Create Diagnostic Report and share the resulting zip file with us. It may well be too large to attach here (the size limit is 4MB) so please consider sharing a link to a cloud storage location.