Dorico Install

I’m currently, personally, using the 60 Day Free Home Trail on my home desktop.
I’m wanting to sign in to to my churches new Steinberg account to use Dorico on my home desktop computer. (1 user, 3 computers)
Do I need to trash the current 60 Day Home Trail prior to signing in to Steinberg Download Assit. for access into the churches Dorico software?

Hi @Don_H_Shawver, if you already registered the Dorico license into the churches account, I think you only need to open the Steinberg Activation Manager on your home computer, logout from your current private Steinberg account (no need to trash your trial, it will expire automatically), and login with the churches account: your licence should appear, and you can activate Dorico. You don’t need to delete/reinstall anything, as the software is the same, and it will automatically be “connected” to the current activated licence, thanks to the Activation Manager.

(I hope I am not wrong, but I am sure someone will correct me, if I am)

Do you know if PhotoScore NotateMe Lite is compatible with Dorico Pro 5?

Is that the version that comes with some versions of Sibelius? I think it can also export to MusicXML, which you can import into Dorico – although I think the technology is a few years old and doesn’t export the latest flavor of MusicXML.

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Yes, it is.
I use PhotoScore NotateMe Lite occasionally and export to its native format (.opt), Sibelius, MIDI and musicxml. It does not handle some things well at all, and I usually have to do a lot of cleaning up afterwards, although if the original pdf/image being scanned is clear and not too crowded, it is reasonable. But it is showing both its age and the fact that it is a lite version.

I’ve downloaded PhotoScore.
When I open the File tab in Dorico and then select the Export tab, nothing in the pop up screen is highlighted, however, the Import tab, when selected, all choices in the pop up screen are highlighted.
What am I doing wrong?

I don’t know — what are you trying to do?

I’m trying to export PhotoScore into MusicXML so I can import it into Dorico

Okay – then you don’t want to do File > Export in Dorico, you want to do it in PhotoScore, to create the MusicXML file. Then you can do File > Import in Dorico.

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When I open PhotoScore, I don’t see anything that says Export in the File tab

Maybe “Save As…”.

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You do realize that Photoscore has a help function?

It’s up there, next to Send to Sibelius. By the way, if you happen to have Sibelius, you should send it to Sibelius and then use Sibelius to export an xml. That way, if you have grand-staff instruments such as a piano, they’ll import correctly.

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I was under the impression that I should export the PhotoScore download to MusicXML then Import the download into Dorico.
We’re talking about scanning a piece of music in PhotoScore, saving to MusicXML then Importing that into Dorico :+1:

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Yes. Well, I recently bought a perpetual license for Sibelius in order to have a more efficient workflow with Photoscore Ultimate :person_shrugging:
The xmls produced by Photoscore have many many issues. I could solve them by tweaking them into… MuseScore, but honestly, that tool has been built to work with Sibelius and that’s the way you should use it (if you have Sibelius, of course).
The last update was nearly five years ago, so I wouldn’t bet it will ever get better.
The dolet plug-in in Sibelius then profuces xmls that are perfectly handled by Dorico, and what looks like a convoluted workflow actually saves me a lot of time. My 2 c.

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