Hello everyone,
My college has just purchased a Dorico Ipad Édu on our tablet, but the real-time recording has major random problems: on a Bluetooth midi keyboard (despite the fact that we can hear and see our actions on the small keyboard ) nothing happens, the partition remains blank…
On the small touchscreen keyboard: keys remain blocked and acquisition becomes impossible…
I am really sorry after having praised the qualities and performances of this very expensive application…
Can you help me see this clearly?
(iPad tablet OS version 17.6.1; Dorico Edu version
Welcome to the forum, Benoit. I’m sorry to hear you’re having problems with real-time recording. When you input notes in step-time input (i.e. not to the click), do the notes get input as expected from your MIDI keyboard?
For real-time recording, it should be sufficient to select a note or rest at the point at which you want recording to begin, then tap the Record button in the transport on the toolbar, and start playing after you hear the bar of count-in clicks.
Hello and
thank you for your quick response,
When I enter a note in step-time, it seems to work, but as soon as I play a chord, it becomes random: sometimes the chord is displayed correctly, sometimes the notes of the chord overlap in twos, then the third further (for example)… furthermore, using the keyboard in the application, all keys remain pressed during recording…! I don’t understand anything…
many thanks for your help !
That’s interesting. It suggests that there’s a lot of latency or variance in the time it takes for MIDI data to be received by Dorico. Do you have a camera connection kit or similar ability to connect the keyboard to your iPad by a wired connection, to take the Bluetooth aspect out of the equation?
Good morning,
Many thanks for your responses. I continue my experiments… I only use the application keyboard, and in recording mode, the keys get stuck and remain pressed. impossible to use. I have the edu version of Cubasis, and everything works without problem, even Bluetooth recording. I requested the second tablet with the Dorico Edu license, and the problem is the same… impossible to record on the application keyboard… what is happening? thanks
The on-screen keyboard does indeed have some problems where notes can remain pressed down unexpectedly. This is something we are aware of and will fix in future.
Alright !
so we will wait for an update!
Thank you for your quick responses!