Dorico - no playback

Everytime I try to open Dorico 5.1.81 (MAC) an error popup window appears saying…
“An essential component used by Dorico for playback has not been found.”

It does not specify what specific component(s) is missing.
It says this missing component is installed via Dorico’s installer and instructs me to reinstall Dorico.


  1. I quit and trashed Dorico and emptied trash.

  2. I’ve redownloaded and reinstalled Dorico 5.1.81.

  3. I trashed an reinstalled all recommended sound libraries.

  4. The files completed downloaded into my Macs "Download/Steinberg/OS X/Content
    and the remain there and have not been moved.

  5. I rebooted my Mac and when I open Dorico, the same error message appear.

  6. The sound libraries do appear in Steinberg Library Manager. However if I open Halion, it does not see the Halion library.

Over the last 2 days, I repeated ALL the above steps 5 different times in full and still the problem remains.

PLEASE help.

Hi @Michael_O_Neal, and welcome to the Forum.

Three suggestions to begin with:

Can you take a screenshot of that error message and upload it here?

Can you check in Steinberg Download Assistant application that all the content for Dorico 5 is correctly installed (green for all items)?

If you are able to start Dorico, go in menu Help and choose Create Diagnostic Report, then attach here the zip file that will be created on your Desktop. This allows the Team to see possibly what is going on.

Allow me to add my welcome to the forum, @Michael_O_Neal. We do indeed need to see a set of diagnostics to be able to help further.

Greetings guys,

Thanks for your willingness to help me with this mystery. :slight_smile:


  1. I just completed downloading all recommended sample libraries and Dorico for the 7th time in the last 3 days.

  2. The error message as disappeared finally. Dorico is now booting normally as expected. For reference, i’ve attached the pop up error that I’ve been seeing the last 3 days.

  3. Dorico playback is now working! HipHip, Hooray!!! :slight_smile:

  4. Remaining Problems
    I’m seeing “missing samples” error. See attachment.

  5. Diagnostic Report is attached.
    Dorico (862.2 KB)

  6. Download Assistant screeshot attached

Hi @LuckyPuPPy , is it only that one file that is missing or also others?
I’ve never seen that shown file name before, and I don’t know where or what sound library that would belong to. Also the diagnostics do not give any hint on that.

Ulf, I have no idea. I just wanted to share that error with you guys because it popped up. Based on the screen shot (bottom red arrows) there are 548 samples missing. But again, I have no idea if that is indeed true or false!

Regardless, the missing sample that is highlighted in the screenshot is not one that I currently need.

So then, should I just ignore this error for now, until and unless I encounter any other playback issues???

I will ask one of my colleagues on this, a little patience please

Hi @LuckyPuPPy , I’ve asked my colleague and he also does not know. But I have another idea. It could be file permission problems. In order to ccheck that, please do the following:

  • With Spotlight Search find the
  • Double click on that and a little black Terminal window shall open.
  • Into that window copy and paste the line
find /Library/Application\ Support/Steinberg/Content -ls > ~/Desktop/SMTGContents.txt
  • Push the Enter/Return key,
  • which will create the file SMTGContents.txt on your Desktop.
  • Please send me that file to u dot stoermer at steinberg dot de’

Thanks a lot

Thanks @Ulf and @dspreadbury for you personal attention. I appreciate it.