Dorico not responding to mouse clicks properly

With version 3.1, I can report that clicks are correctly recognized with a Mac and Apple TrackPad 2. It now flies fast!


Yes, version 3.1 has the best mouse interaction among various version 3.x, but it responds still slightly clumsy.

The handles in “Staff spacing” do not often respond with one action.

Usually, I drag the handle with three fingers on trackpad while pressing the left option key. Sometimes it works well, but sometimes not. If it does not work, I drag the handle with the index finger while pressing the trackpad with the thumb. Then it works, but not always. I should do these repeatedly to drag the handle.

There is maybe a small residue in this old bug. Mac High Sierra.

  1. Edit default text (Shift-X).
  2. Exit from edit by clicking anywhere on the page.

I maybe happen that the selection lazo appears, as if you were keeping the mouse/trackpad pointer pressed.
