Dorico & Plogue Sforzando VST3

I am new to Dorico (come from Musescore), so am trying to find my way!
The most I do in music typesetting is arrangements for carillon. I have a MIDI carillon keyboard and for practice I use samples from bells, played and controlled by Sforzando (from Plogue) on a laptop, this works like a charm. I want to use these same samplesets to hear the arrangements I make in Dorico, which should be possible, there is a VST3 version of Sforzando.
The big problem for now is HOW to accomplish this?
When I install the VST3 version of Sforzando, I cannot see it anywhere in the Dorico preferences, and I do not want to download the complete set of samples from Halion which I do not need anyway, or do I still need all these, even if I do not want to use them?

Welcome, JeroenH !!

If sforzando is installed correctly, then you should see it listed in the VSTs that you can choose from in Play mode.

Select “VST and MIDI”, and then select Sforzando, which will probably be under a “Plogue” manufacturer category.

@benwiggy is right. Sforzando is found under Plogue Art et Technologie in the VST list.
Load it up and drop your Carillon instrument into Sforzando and it should work fine.

Thank you both! But I am still missing something!
Found the VST, I was sinply looking in the wrong place (preferences), now I have the Sforzando there, but still no sound! The Sforzando standalone works fine if I choose the settings for the carillon samples, but if I choose the same settings in the VST version, there is no sound at all?

You have to click on the little e icon to open the VST, and then choose your samples, as you would in the standalone player.

Hi thanks, but yes I did that, and Sforrzando even sees the samples, this screen is exactly the same as in the standalone version, but no sounds…
In the standalon version I can click the pianokeys and the bell sounds, in the vst version nothing happens?

Are you getting any sounds at all from Dorico? For example, if you enable the metronome click on the toolbar and play back, do you hear the click?


Your diagrams do not show the other tab of Play where you would assign the channel for the player/instrument to communicate with the sfortzando player. Do the MIDI channels (probably 1) align?

And welcome to the forum.

Would using the Aria Player work? As a Plogue produce made for Garritan, Aria should be able to load SFZ files.

Expression map?

No, no sound at all, nothing, no metronome, no sound on note input!
In Musescore (v3) or Youtube no problem, so nothing wrong with soundcard persé

You mean “Track inspector”? There also Port 1, Channel 1
If possible (and it seems possible) I prefer the same player as for my MIDI keyboard setup, makes life a little easier!

Espression map is Default, tried some others that dis not help.

And sorry, I now see that you can answer several posts in one…
I think that the main problem is no sound at all…
Because I did not plan to use the Halion, I did not install that, that was also in my first question:
is the Halion stuff absolutely neccesary to get sound at all? And if yes, is it neccesary to install also the Halion content? In the Download manager it is “recommended” that seems to imply “not neccesary”.

And thanks for all the very quick reactions!

Ok. What does your EDIT>DEVICE SETUP… look like? D requires an ASIO driver, and maybe none gets installed unless you install some of the default audio stuff? It’s not required to get sound as such, but a suitable driver is…

Edit - Device steup plus Device Control Panel.
The ASIO driver seems to be installed, a bit strange that I do not see a stereo output perhaps, here is also none that I can choose from, but I do have a headphone and it does produce sound, only not in D!

It was strange that there was no output ports, so I fiddled with some windows settings, and now it is working fine, or almost fine, the sound is now an octave to high…
But we are getting there!

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Solved also!
There comes the Expression map to the rescue, choose now 1 octave down, and that works.
Next is to find out that this will be the default, to be continued.
Thanks everyone for the input!

When you have set everything up to your satisfaction, just save the Endpoint, create a Playback Template using that Endpoint and set that Template as the default in Preferences>Play>Playback Template.

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Does carillon follow the model for orchestral bells (chimes) and handbells and sound an octave higher than written?

@Janus: Thanks, I will take a look at that!
@Derrek: Well to be honest I realy do not know!
When talking about carillon, you are talking about a very small niche, there are only ca. 600 worldwide, and not two of them are the same, ranging from 17-78 bells, and a few hunderd kg’s tot 100.000 kg. Even in the keyboard there are several standards! Plus there is almost no (or at least very few) music for ensemble with carillon. And finally if you dive a little deeper in the partials (overtones) of bells everything gets very complicated, there is the strike tone (which we hear as “the” tone) this one does phyically not exist! it is the resultant (but two octaves lower) of one of te partials, and does not necessarily sound the same as the ground tone, and there is the hum-tone about an octave lower, and a lot of other partials of which the minor third is most prominent.
I am not aware of any standard in notation!

Hmmm, there is some more the matter here!
When I start a new project, and define the sound as above, everything works fine, so far so good.
But I often import an MusicXML file, and start working on that one, saving as .dorico off course.
And then there is suddenly no sound again!

  • If I click on the “e” symbol (show instrument) in the Play tab under VST and MIDI, nothing happens at all, when I do exactly the same with a new project, it shows the Sforzando plug-in.
  • When I copy all the notes of the imported XML to a new started project, everything is also fine and working and sounding!

Do I miss something here, or is there anything the matter with the import of MusicXML? (I unchecked all import choices for xml, to let D. decide how everything looks like).