I’m experiencing a peculiar issue in one of my Dorico projects. In every flow after the first one, Print Mode seems to be ignoring certain attributes that I’ve set in Write/Engrave Mode. These attributes include:
- Textual dynamic markings are being converted to hairpins.
- Laissez vibrer tie end offsets (tie lengths) are rendered without any offset.
- Text centered over a rest using x-axis offsetting is also rendered without any offset.
When I create a new project and manually copy over the notation, the same issues persist. However, if I manually replicate these attributes in a new project, Print Mode renders them correctly.
Has anyone encountered this behavior before? Could I have inadvertently enabled a certain setting causing this issue? Alternatively, could this be a sign of file corruption?
Thank you for any assistance.
DoricoAttributeIssueExample.dorico (457.8 KB)