Dorico Pro 4.0.10 Fresh Install - Halion Sonic SE Doesn't Load Downloaded Content

Les pasckages sont installés dans le dossier C:\ProgrameData\Steinberg de base.
J’ai effectivement deja essayeé d’installer manuellement les programmes mais cela ne fonctionne pas, et puis comment installer manuellement le contenu sonore ? (817 Bytes)
Please run the attached batch file (after unzipping) and post the resulting file here. Thanks (2.2 KB)

Thanks for the data, but the outcome is not quite what I’ve expected.
If in File Explorer you go to


is that folder there and are there any subfolders? Are there the subfolders HALion and Content and if so, what is in there? Would be nice if you could make a listing or screenshot. Thanks

Thanks, I see, it is all a bit messed up, but let’s try to fix it.
What if you double click on one of the vstsound files in the folder C:/ProgramData/Steinberg/Win64/Sound Content for DoricoPro4(recommended)?
Does some alert box pop-up? What is it roughly saying?
And what if you launch Dorico after double clicking on of those files, does it recognize the sound files then?

Ca c’est le message que je recois avant que dorico ne s’éxecute.

Et ca c’est lorsque je double-clique sur l’un des fichiers, on constate qu’il ne les reconnais pas.

Okay, thanks very much. As I said, it is all a bit messed up. So I propose to uninstall and start from a new, clean state. In order to do so, please follow these instructions:

  1. Move the whole Steinberg folder from C:/ProgramData to somewhere else, e.g. your Desktop
  2. Open the Windows Control Panel, go to Apps and Features and uninstall everything in the program list there that was installed via a Steinberg installer.
  3. Go to the place where you moved the Steinberg folder to and run all the installers you can find in there manually. I don’t know, maybe you first have to extract the downloaded zip files there. You should see some Setup.exe or (other binary file) that you should double click to start the installation. Do this for all 3, the Dorico installer, the HALion Sonic SE installer and the sound content installer.
  4. Once that is done it’s time to run Dorico again and see how it goes. Any better?

En fait j’avais déjà essayé de procéder de cette manière là mais cela n’avait pas fonctionné non plus, mais on peut réessayer en déplaçant le dossier steinberg sur le bureau. Donc j’intalle d’abord Dorico manuellement ? J’exécute d’abord le fichier .msi ou directement le setup.exe ? N’est-il pas nécessaire d’avoir le steinberg library manager ?

Yes, first run the setup.exe for Dorico. I’m not 100 % sure in which installer the Steinberg Library Manager is contained. If it is not around after the Dorico app installation, you can download it separately from our website. Go to Support, then Downloads and then look under the additional packages (left bottom area)

Steinberg Library Manager is installed separately, normally by Steinberg Download Assistant. You can download it separately from this page:

You should also make sure Steinberg Activation Manager is installed, which you can find alongside Steinberg Library Manager on the same page.

Install Steinberg Library Manager before you run the Dorico installer.

Le steinberg library manager ne s’installe pas correctement, lorsque je double-clique dessus après l’avoir téléchargé, une fenêtre de chargement s’ouvre puis se referme au bout de quelques secondes, comme si l’application était défaillante.

Unfortunately I’m not sure what could cause Steinberg Library Manager not to install properly. I can ask my colleagues in the HALion team, who are responsible for that application, if they have any ideas next week. Unless @Ulf has any further ideas himself.