Dorico Pro 5.1.51 Audio flow woodwind sounds like brass

Hi, I send audio flows to my composition teacher who has an old version of Dorico plus Note Performer. This has been problem-free but recently audio flows of instruments sound like brass. I uploaded midi software linking keyboard to Mac before this happened, and have also upgraded v5 to v5.1.51. I suspect Note Performer may have fallen off in that process as I can’t see it listed on Play - could this be the reason? Previous help log suggests checking Audio Engines options but I don’t know where to find them. This extract makes flute sound like brass at his end. All help appreciated.

do you still see NotePerformer listed in Play > Playback Template? If yes, it might be sufficient to select and reapply it there in order to get the proper sounds back. In case NotePerformer doesn’t appear as a playback template, you probably need to reinstall it.

Can you supply us with a sample document? If there’s a problem in the document, we might find it; and if it works correctly for others, that suggests the problem is at your teacher’s end.

Many thanks, I can see Note Performer in the Playback Template menu and have selected it, I’ll check with my teacher to see if it’s worked! R

We’ve finally solved the problem by upgrading my tutor’s version of Dorico, thanks for all help.

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