Dorico support email?

I don’t know where exactly I can find the support or can anyone tell me here?

  1. I have dorico SE must I delete that before I download Dorico 5 Pro crossgrade??? Must Die delete se after download Pro??
  2. Must have a new license or number of it is same number or code like SE?
  3. If I buy a new computer where can i d activate my dorito? And can I have it on three Computers for free??

it same like SE

  1. umber for dorico Pro 5 or is it the same

Welcome to the forum, @brommys. You can ask your questions here and we will do our best to help you.

If you already have Dorico SE installed, you don’t need to remove anything: Dorico SE and Dorico Pro are the same application and which features are available depends on the license you have. Once you have the Download Access Code for Dorico Pro, enter it here, then on your computer run Steinberg Activation Manager, and you should see your Dorico Pro license appear there. Click Deactivate to deactivate your Dorico SE license, and Activate to activate your Dorico Pro license, and when you then run Dorico, it will run as Pro.

I recommend you do run Steinberg Download Assistant and choose Dorico Pro 5 on the left-hand side, then click Install All on the right-hand side to make sure you have all of the sound components installed.

You can indeed activate Dorico Pro on up to three computers for your own personal use. Simply install SDA on your new machine, sign in, download Dorico as described above, and run it to activate it.

Thanks For your answer so I don’t need to download dorico SE first? I have now a special price because I have Finale 26 so I can buy to Dorico Pro 5 crossgrade and when I have paid I hope it works. When I have paid they will send me a code in my email it’s that right?

Correct, you don’t need to download Dorico SE first. Here’s a blog post that shows you exactly what to do:

Thanks I am going to download the record 5 across grade but how can I download Final 27 for free I have Finale 26

Sorry I meanDorico pro 5 crossgrade where can i later download Finale 27

I think, once you’ve taken the offer, it should be available in your MakeMusic account to download.