I need to add a dotted half note in a 2/4 bar. I’ve tried everything I’ve read about (hiding time sigs, force duration, etc) Dorico always changes the note to a half tied to aquarter.
Is a dotted half possible in 2/4?
Let me know,
Thanks, Bill
A 2/4 bar only contains enough time for a half note (two quarters).
If you want to show a longer duration in a single bar, you’ll need at least a 3/4 bar or to use tuplets (eg 3:2q for three quarters in the space of two normal quarters).
Excellent! That worked.
I forgot about being able to indicate the “q” (or other values) in the tuplet definition.
I’m still a newbie, big time.
Thanks 1,000,000 for the help.
Dare we ask why you need a dotted half note in a 2/4 bar?
I just like the way it sounds.
Assuming that was a serious response, perhaps an elementary music theory course is in order.
Pro tip: make it a 3/4 measure.
It really does not help to tag your answer to Lillie’s as the solution. Please modify it and tag Lillie’s message.
I believe that note value is called a maximal minim. Or, in American English, a half-'n-a-half note.
That was an error; I’ve been using the forum for about 2 days now. I just corrected the “solution” I hope.