Double-clicking doesn't work in Project Assistant

Old dog new tricks .lol.(concerning my camera phone)

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Here’s one for you…as I was checking for updates in the Steinberg Hub I clicked on the name of a project by mistake out of habit and it opened up the project. So it works when you double click from the Hub but not from File.

I wouldn’t know. I don’t use the Hub, either!


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Hi Steve,

The reason Hub is not preferred by some users are due to the extra time it takes to load the hub due to the news section on the Left side. Though can live with it, at times it bothers.


I presume they will fix this eventually.

But I never noticed what you said about the extra time to load – what I see is that the right Projects side opens immediately, even if the left side web content doesn’t.


Great. For me, until the news content is loaded the project are not responding.

You can remove the the web browser dll.
C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Cubase 12\Components\webview.dll

This will break the hub such that the online portion doesn’t work.


Fun fact - if you uninstall the eLicencer Control Center in C12 the online portion of the Hub doesn’t work either.

Wow, simple as that. Great tip. Thanks Steve.

Well it doesn’t fix anything, sorry. Enter and clicking is not working here with the .dll removed.

But like I said earlier, the right side (project list) does not wait for the web view to load, at least here.

Exactly! The webview.dll tip helps until they fix the Project Assistant.

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Not fix but a tip if anyone wants to not have web content. The right side project list loads, but are not responsive until web content is ready.

Really! Wow. Are you on Mac?

No, on windows 10

Very strange, I absolutely do not see that here. The file list updates without regard to how the web view pane loads.

How did you test this?

Just by launching after restarting PC. Maybe it could be due to other factors like my Panaroma P4? But strangely after disabling hub and starting with just project assistance, I don’t get any delay.

I mean how did you determine specifically that a double click, or hitting enter key on the right side would not be recognized before the left side loads?

I did not try or use Enter key. When Cubase launches with Hub, the right side was immediately ready and was responding to the mouse hovers, but only for 1 or 2 seconds, then when Left side is starting to load, the right side becomes unresponsive till the left side is completely loaded with news. After that I can double click a project and it loads.

Can con firm that double clicking or pressing enter no longer works in the the Project assistant, MacOS, please fix this!

Wow, I just upgraded from Cubase 10.5 and I immediately noticed this bug… no fixes yet? :frowning: