Doubling of writing

Buongiorno, sono nuovo del mondo dorico, e mi chiedevo se ci fosse un modo per far si che ogni nota scritta venga ripetuta due volte. Adesso lo sto facendo a mano, ma spero ci sia una maniera più efficiente.
Grazie per l’aiuto!

For those who are not virtuosos with the language of Dante :

Alessandro wrote :
Good morning, I am new to the Dorico world, and I was wondering if there was a way to make each written note be repeated twice. I am doing it by hand now, but I hope there is a more efficient way.
Thanks for the help!


Premi r dopo aver selezionato la nota (o gruppo di note) per replicarla. È quello che chiedi?

Press r after selecting the note (or group of notes) to replicate it. Is that what you’re asking?

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Maybe one of the menu commands Write → Edit Duration → Split by… would be useful?
Forse uno dei comandi nel menu Scrittura → Modifica la durata → Dividi in base alla … sarebbe utile?

E benvenuto al Forum! Ovviamente, la lingua preferita qui è inglese (anche non è la mia prima lingua, sono olandese). Potresti utilizzare dei servizi online come Google Translate per tradurre i tuoi messaggi. Ma non ti preoccupare — anche delle domande in un inglese imperfetto saranno trattati con rispetto. E spero umilmente che il mio italiano sia comprensibile a te…


I’m really really sorry, I will use english on this forum from here on. I will try what you say and answer if I succeeded.
Perfect italian by the way.

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Perfect Alessandro! (… and please tell me if I succeeded…)
(Ottimo direi… :wink: )

Non proprio, questo prenderebbe la figura ritmico/melodica e la ripeterebbe subito dopo, mentre a me serve che si ripetano prima della nuova nota. Forse così é più chiaro.

Not really, this would take the rhythmic/melodic figure and repeat it right after, whereas I need them to repeat before the new note. Maybe it’s clearer that way.

By doing that I was able to split the value of the notes in half, and it occurred to me that it would be okay even so if I could copy the note preceding the pause instead of the pause itself, because if I doubled the values afterwards it would come out what I want, but I have no idea how to do that.

I think you used the command to halve note values, which only makes them shorter, but doesn’t repeat them.
Maybe try Divide based on note value [note value], that will create several shorter notes filling the original length.
(Dividi in base alla durata delle note [valore])
Scherm­afbeelding 2025-01-06 om 18.51.43

I tried to do as you say, but it doesn’t divide the notes according to their initial value, I can only divide them according to a unique value, and so it divides all in sixteenth notes for example

Have you tried setting your rhythmic grid (lower left corner of the screen) to the value you wish, then selecting the notes you wish to double, and pressing ALT/OPT + U?

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Ciao @aledei2250, to obtain what you show in your screenshot:

You need to use Insert mode:

  • select the notes
  • press I to activate insert mode
  • press 6 to change the notes to quarters
  • with the rhythmic grid set to eight notes press Alt(Option)+U to split the quarter into eight notes

Here a shot video explaining the workflow:


To me is not very clear what your final result should be. Can you write down on paper the first two bars of Vn.1 before and after, and post a picture?

Non capisco bene quale risultato finale desideri. Puoi scrivere a mano le prime due battute del vn. 1 con prima e dopo e postare una foto?

Maybe you want this?
Forse desideri questo?:

thank you really for the effort you are all putting in, I am amazed by this community, thank you really!

this is the result i would like to achieve

ok, so is not totally automatically but quite fast (based on what @mati suggested in his first reply) but with the addition of engaging Insert mode. Then (apart from the first note that you can copy paste using selection > Alt+click) you just need to select the first G and press
R right arrow R right arrow etc…, till the end of flow for that staff, and repeat the procedure for the other staves:


Thanks a bunch! I’ll take your advice and do it that way.
Thank you all for the help!