Download assistant won't update on Win 11 + links to mac sub-installer

I’m having the “Download assistant won’t install on Win11” problem, and checked Steinberg’s help page ( This page advises you to download the separate components.

BUT: the Windows Install_Assistand sub-component links to the MAC installer (.pkg). Quite embarassing. Could you please provide the link to the actual Windows file?

I’m now stuck with a brand new Win11 system, with no option for installing C12. Argh. [Edit: one can of course download the actual installers from Steinberg’s site.]


Have you run the installers? I think the installation assistant isn’t actually needed when doing a manual install.

Yep. I still get the “can’t update” error. [edit: misunderstood the question, I thought it was about the Assistand sub-components :slight_smile: ]


One needs more specific info to understand what’s going on on your computer.

Steve, the problem is two-fold: 1) the Download assistant won’t upgrade, with the same error message as described in the linked support page. However, this can be circumvented by downloading the full installers from Steinbergs download section. But it’s still very inconvenient; but more importantly 2) the link on the support page which is supposed to point to the windows version of Install Assistant actually points to the mac version.
