Download Links to Older Versions of Cubase

Downloads for Cubase SX 3, for Converting Cubase songs (ALL/ARR) into CPR format is available at this link:

Downloads for unsupported Steinberg products:

Use the dropdown menus to download the installers from Downloads | Steinberg

Note that installers for Cubase Elements will also install Cubase LE and Cubase AI.

Also available

Cubase AI 5

Cubase AI 6


Well, these downloads don’t work for me. Installed SX3 on both my Mac Mini G4 and Power Mac G5, but I cannot start the app as it reminds me that the eLicenser does not contain a valid licence. I’ve been a Cubase user since 1995 and have a license for every version up to Cubase Pro 11, updated to 12. Have tried downloading an older version of the License center app, didn’t work. So now I’m stuck. Desperately seeking a way out and a way to convert my old .arr songs.

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On very old systems, the eLicenser database must be updated manually in order for the eLicenser Control Center to be able to “see” your Cubase Pro 11 license, which will then allow you to run Cubase SX 3.

Please follow these instructions carefully:


Damn, it worked! I have SX3 working on my PowerMac G5 under OSX 10.4.11 (Tiger). Followed the instructions in your link and behold, it’s up and running. Can’t thank you enough.


Thanks for the reply Steve.
Actually cubase 3 won’t run on my Mac… it’s power PC only and I don’t have one of those dinos.
As a last resort I may be able to get out my old Atari ST and find and re-install Cubase 1.0.
I was just hoping there might be an easier way.

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Thanks for the link. …:slight_smile:

Wondering about payment. Still purchasing the same old way ?
//Thanks in advance

Download Links for C13.0.10