Download speed ridiculous

I am having some trouble with the download of my purchased upgrade from 7 to 8.5 Pro.
It failed the first time… and also its extremely slow; i dont have the fastest internet, but I usually have 1,5 mbps easily, or lets say 1 mbps… but this is going at 100 kbps at most… its not only a matter of being impatient, but a matter of hoping for the best in the 23 to 27 hrs the download manager tells me it will take for the payed download… should I have downloaded this from some other place?? is this the best the servers can do?, do you know if there is a problem I am not aware of? Im sorry to bother, but afterwards…I have 24 more hours for the windows installer :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

I really am the only one online here, there is no other internet bandwidth being used… I can be grateful to avoid travelling to a store… but really…is this fixable? I think it’s a big disrespect with a customer/user 's time.
I posted this in another topic but felt it deserved to be here too
Thanks for your help
Hope the download does not fail after 20 hrs!! pleaseeee

its only getting slower…2 DAYS is the remaining time…Big issue. I didn’t count on this major problem. I love steinberg mostly because Im super used to it. , and I guess pro tools or DP could have the same problem…I dont know…
and what if it fails tomorrow night???
I hope it gets fixed, and hope not to be crying here after 48 hrs of download time.

Im soooo sorry to have been so angry before
I just had to activate the license inn the eLicencer, and steinberg gave me acces tothe downloads from steimberg’s website
So Solved
The windows installer took only 2 hours. I hope everything goes right from now, and please frogive my discontent.

:confused: :blush:

I also had a reply from the shop’s customer service advising what I did but linking me to download it from the regular download window, then I thought of introducing the Activation Code and everything went perfect
They were very nice, too, so all good