Quantize grid should quantize to the grid, quantize relative should quantize note length relative to start position. That seems most logical to me.
For those wanting to fix this today without it being a default option:
Open Edit–>Key Commands and then find:
“Quantize MIDI event ends”
Then map it to something like Alt(Option) + Q.
So instead of simply pressing Q to quantize both the beginning and ends of the notes as requested here, you press Q to snap as usual, then press Option + Q to snap the end. That will get the same result. One extra step but gets the job done.
Although I can see the issue being where the end of the note lingers between two points and it might snap to the wrong grid location. Therefore, dragging the end is still a feature request that we need.
Urgh, this is truly idiotic, when “grid relative” is chosen, the end should snap to a distance from the start of note which is a multiple of the current snap setting.
When grid is chosen the end should snap to the grid.
Does anyone at Steinberg actually use Cubase to make music?
Sure there’s a hotkey workaround, but just fix this damn “bug” please.
So this is a feature request now? That’s undeniably idiotic.
So if i buy a car, and when I press UNLOCK it unlocks the car, but when I press LOCK it ALSO unlocks the car, should I tell them I need a new 3rd option to have the LOCK button actually LOCK the car instead?
Why would you have “Snap to grid” and “Snap relative to grid” do THE EXACT same thing?
Comon Steinberg! We all love your software and support you, but you gotta give us Sh*t that works correctly as a baseline, right?
Same here. Unless the Start is snapped to the Grid, the End will not snap to the Grid. Should be able to put the Start and the End independently anywhere we like.
I don’t understand why people keep bringing up Quantize into the discussion. Even if quantize uses the same grid as when manually editing note on/off positions, it’s two different operations.
I strongly agree with the person above, this turning into a feature request is just ridiculous.
If you have Snap to Grid selected and your edits doesn’t actually snap to the grid, it’s an issue. It doesn’t do what it says on the tin.
Because the functionality is built into Cubase already as part of the Quantize feature package. So, it is there, just not where you like to have it.
HOWEVER - the current solution “Quantize Ends” is truly a function, ie. you execute it and, bamm, it does what it should once. While the Snap Type is a mode, ie. you switch Cubase to this mode and it will always perform the function automatically until you either switch the type or switch off the mode altogether.
I think this is the point where you’ll have to convince Steinberg to change the design: Turn it from a function into a mode.
How about this for an argument?
There are at least another 100 computer applications that has a feature/function/mode that is called “Snap to Grid”. They all do the exact same thing. Cubase is the odd one out.
I have never heard that term before. Is it documented anywhere that Snap settings are somehow linked to Quantize?
Either way, when Snap to Grid actually does not snap to the grid, I see that as a problem.
You can argue in any way that you see fit.
I merely answered one of your (maybe rhethorical?) questions and tried to provide a way of describing the situation possibly from the developer’s point of view.
In the meantime I think it is important for the interested reader of this thread to know that “Quantize Ends” will align the ends to the grid, as @yeahimsteve already pointed out. Even if it is perceived only as a workaround. It is what is currently available.