Here’s the set up. Creating a Snare Drum, Bass Drum Drum kit in a Concert Band Score. Imported from a Finale XML. In the original Finale file I separate the Snare Drum and Bass Drum Staff into separate staves then Export to Music XML. Then I start Dorico and import the XML. Then I copy and paste those staves into separate staves into a Dorico Template. (are you with me so far?). I then combine the Snare/Bass staves into one player. I now have my Snare part and my Bass part on the same staff in a drum kit. Now, you will notice in this very elementary piece that is attached that I must now go through and flip a bunch of stems ( I did set up the drum kit so that the snare notes have up stems and the Bass notes have down stems, but it mixes them up anyway). This is not too time consuming in a short, easy piece like this. But in a very long and complicated piece it might take me an hour or two just to get the stems heading in the right direction. And by the time I do this for both the Snare/Bass part and the Aux. Perc. part it can take a big chunk out of a day.
My question (finally) is there a way to tell Dorico I want all the Snare stems up and the Bass stems down globally so I don’t have to spend so much time going from measure to measure flipping them manually?
Drum Kit Stem Direction.dorico (893.4 KB)
Look at the drum kit in the sample I sent. You will see I did that but the stems are going wonky anyway. Dorico does not seem to want to follow my instructions in the kit or am I missing something?
Thanks so much.
Every time there is a rest in one part or the other it flips the stems.
Changing the kit after one has already typed in the notes does not reflect the new kit parameters.
Assign the snare to Voice 1 with stems up and the Kick(Bass) to Voice 2 with stems down. Then, if one retypes the snare pattern, the stems point up for the snare and down for the kick.
Unfortunately Reset Position and Reset Appearance do not let you change the stem directions automatically; but if one goes to Layout Options > Players > Percussion and displays the kit as single-line instruments, one can select the snare drum (Edit > Select to end of flow) and, by right-clicking on a note of the selection, use stems > remove forced stem to restore the proper direction of stems once you return to a five-line kit.
Got it. I think I understand what you are doing here. I will give that a try.
Thanks so much.
Your method worked great. That will be a tremendous time saver in the future.
Thanks again.
Hi @ghfagan51, beside the useful suggestions above by @Derrek, another method that can be handy in other situations, to select the single instruments of a kit for the whole flow, is using the Key editor and dragging horizontally a selection (and then click for example on F to force the stems in the desired direction. You may want to reset the Position of the whole staff in case there are some forced articulations in the wrong direction).
Here a short video showing this workflow: