I’m trying to create a percussion map for NI Studio Drummer, so I followed the steps and made one with just a few of the many instruments/articulations SD has, just to see if it was working before spending more hours mapping everything else. Followed the steps to assign the new PM to the endpoint (this was the confusing bit…), but back in write mode it isn’t working, and seems to have retained some random assignments from another map… I’m playing in the notes from a midi keyboard and it’s not working at all. I must be missing something obvious I guess, having just started Dorico after 30+ years with Finale. Ta, Mike
On the Note Input and Editing page of Preferences, make sure you have the Input onto kit or grid option set to Use percussion map. That way, you play the key on your keyboard that corresponds to the sound you want to hear, and Dorico will use the percussion map to work out which instrument that corresponds to, and input the note in the right place in the kit.
Daniel: many thanks from Cape Town! I’d never have figured this out, all good now. Mike (beginning to see the light…)
Just to follow on, I spent a long time creating a perc map and kit for NI Studio Drummer’s Session Kit (mapping for the other kits is very much the same), if anyone would like to have them. I did create quite a lot of new playback techniques for this tho, and can’t see a way to save/export that list other than as a default which I rather not do.
(Attachment SD 2 percmap.doricolib is missing)
(Attachment SD kit.doricolib is missing)
oops, gmail rejected the attachments… I tried on the forum site as well, but wouldn’t accept the file types?
SD percmapkit.zip (10.2 KB)