I have a piece with verse 1 followed by a chorus. As the chorus lyrics and melody repeats twice, I have made a 1st and 2nd repeat. The 2nd repeat has the same lyric and note, however with a different chord progression D A7#5 D including the 1st eight not of verse 2. The piece again goes back to start repeats the chorus and moves up a half step from the chorus in D to the final chorus in Eb, which starts with the chorus ending in D and chord Bb7 on the 4th beat leads to Eb.
The property setting of the DS al Coda has the replay repeats button and checkbox activated, see screenshot. The DS al Coda starts with verse 2 comes to Coda sign (before the 1st repeat), however does not repeat the 1st chorus repeat. I would expect the jump only after the 2nd time to the chorus in Eb. I also tried a simple repeat instead of 1st and 2nd repeat, however the chorus after the verse 2 has only repeated once and jumped directly to the chorus in Eb. Does this property setting of Replay repeats not work anymore? Have I overlooked something or not done correct? Or is there any other solution?
Henry zeig dich mal ohne.dorico (1.4 MB)
By the way such problem with “Replay repeats” has been mentioned in a similar issue “Playback repeats, D.S al coda,… where WimLas mentions on Aug 31 “no matter what you do or don’t, playback completely ignores the instructions set.”