DSP MIX FX UR242 - No device Found

Hi, everyone. Can you help me please? I have a problem with connection my ur242 to my MacBook Pro Mid 2015 (Big Sur 11.5.2). When i bought this audio interface, DSP Mix find out him. After time for reasons, unknown to me it stopped. My MacBook see audio interface, and Logic Pro too. I can record and play, but i can’t use direct monitoring (there is no physical fader on the Ur242), in the DSP application I could mute, solo, add effects. I read a lot of articles and forum pages trying to find a solution. I did everything, reinstalled drivers, applications, full bundle of tools several times. I did a full uninstall and did “clean” install. Nothing helps. Are there any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

I have the same problem with dspMixFx and UR 44 connected to MacBook Pro mid 2012 (Mojave 10.14.6). All drivers and softwares installed, Basic Fx license activated. When I open the dsp, I get a black empty console with “no device found” message.
It even never worked once… though the interface itself (UR44) is working good.
So, like Sashadovgan32, no direct monitoring possibility :frowning_face:

I have encountered problems similar to yours, and I have encountered them more than once. The problem was solved by reinstalling or restarting the computer before, but this time I used all the methods to solve the problem. It seems that no one will answer this question. I don’t know how you solved it later.

I have a fix.

You need to install Yamaha Steinberg USB Driver and TOOLS_for_UR242. Then you need to go to the recovery mode. You can probably achieve this with holding the power button while the startup logo is shown. Here you do not choose to boot your disk but instead go into settings. You need to allow extensions from certified authorities. After that you load your system and in settings > Privacy and Security you will be prompted to allow Yamaha Drivers as a system extension.

Sorry my description is not really precise but it is possible to use dpsMix on new Apple devices.