I am trying to open dual mono files in the Audio Files Workspace. They keep opening as two independent files, not as one combined stereo file.
The option to allow opening dual mono files is checked in the Audio file editing options. I am using the default naming for dual-mono files, i.e. the filename is ending _L and _R respectively.
My technique: in the Audio File Workspace, I go File, then Open.
I browse to the wav file folder and I select both files by ctrl-clicking, one ending in _L and the other ending in _R.
I click Open.
… The result: files are opened as two independent files. Very sad.
I am using Wavelab 8.0.3. What can I do to make the _L and _R dual mono files to be opened as one combined stereo file in the Audio Files Workspace?
You do it right. And when I do the same here, it works (drag and drop is also an option).
Maybe you have changed something in the default prefs?
Look at mines:
Your preferences picture does not show the import settings, but the export settings. Please send the same picture as mine, but with the top menu not set to “Name creation”
My preferences are as default. Opening dual mono files does not work, it opens as two mono files, not combined.
I start to think that it is a bug in the WaveLab, I am using exclusively 64-bit version. Is it possible that it is a bug of the 64-bit version? I cannot easily try 32-bit, unfortunately.
The file extension is wrong. This should be .wav not .wave
In case there is a parasite character in your name, copy and paste here the file name.
I dont think this can be a 64 bit bug.
My extension was wav, not wave, it was someone else who posted here this mistaken extension. No matter what I do (I posted my preferences earlier), the dueal mono files are not opened as one stereo file. Sorry, it is a bug in Wavelab. Where do I report?
This is the best place to report a problem. But I can’t reproduce your problem here,… let’s try another time: make a copy/paste of the full path/name of your 2 mono files, here.
OK, This string, the one in the second PNG file, in the name interpretation advanced string works for me, almost. My files are named:
BPC Spring 2014 chan_01 Part 1 Main-L.wav and
BPC Spring 2014 chan_02 Part 1 Main-R.wav
It won’t work unless I make the two file names identical except for the L and R, by removing the channel number, which I’d rather not do, because that is what ties the files to the capture device, which simply names the tracks with channel numbers.
Is there any way to modify the string to ignore the difference in filenames before the last part with the dash?
I spent several hours trying to come up with a string that would work, and got nowhere.
No, the WaveLab approach is based on the end of the name.
To do otherwise would make things more complicated (the user would also need to specify some pattern to ignore certain parts inside the names).
It’s already plenty complicated to the user. In addition to existing system, which certainly can be useful, how about a simple “Open Dual Mono” command that then prompts you to select any 2 mono files, similar to how Peak Pro did it?
It’s already plenty complicated to the user. In addition to existing system, which certainly can be useful, how about a simple “Open Dual Mono” command that then prompts you to select any 2 mono files, similar to how Peak Pro did it?
This is a particular case. This does not handle the case when the user drops a bunch of files to WaveLab, or when a batch processor processes a set of dual mono files.
Terminating file names by -L/-R or .L/.R or _L/_R, which is the default support, is not very complicated.
You could use a utility like “Rename” (aka Bulk Rename) or “AdvancedRenamer” which might help, if you don’t want to change the originals, then use copies.
On the surface, I agree it doesn’t seem like a big deal, and often times it’s not. But in complex workflows, it’s one more thing to deal with. WL has great power & flexibility, but still fails to keep the simple things simple in too many instances. This undermines part of its value as a “utility tool” (in addition to its great value as a high-level editing/mastering tool). Without changing its higher functions, it seems some of these things could involve less work to accomplish, that’s all. Just my opinion.
It’s already plenty complicated to the user. In addition to existing system, which certainly can be useful, how about a simple “Open Dual Mono” command that then prompts you to select any 2 mono files, similar to how Peak Pro did it?
This is a particular case. This does not handle the case when the user drops a bunch of files to WaveLab,
PG, that particular case method used to work in Wavelab 4 through 7, even if the left and right files had completely different names, but it doesn’t work in Wavelab 8. In 4 through 7 you could click left channel file, hold down ctrl, click right channel file, click open, and it would open as a Stereo file, even if the left and right files had totally different names. I agree the batch and bunch capabilities of Wavelab 8 for dual-mono are much superior, but when opening a single dual mono song, it’s more limiting. Is there no way to put that single use functionality back in?
Be aware that WaveLab can handle several different name patterns, making the system very powerful. As an example, it is possible to open the files quoted by schmidj
BPC Spring 2014 chan_01 Part 1 Main-L.wav
BPC Spring 2014 chan_02 Part 1 Main-R.wav
by adding this pattern:
… Part 1 Main-{.}$
PG, that particular case method used to work in Wavelab 4 through 7, even if the left and right files had completely different names
This is right. But in 99% of the cases, when you open 2 mono files with different names, you want to open 2 different files. Hence the old system had a strong disadvantage.
Right now, no matter what I try, I’m no able to open dual mono files. I’m trying to change the behavior in the Audio file Editing preference but any change I make is not remembered (name interpretation, Advanced mode, etc. What am I missing !!!
I’ve tried about everything (renaming files which had -,_, etc.) and added either -L -R, or L R, etc.
What baffles me is that when I set a specific rule in the Audio file Editing preference, it looks like it’s not remembered, or saved. And yes: I do try opening both files at the same time. Even tried the old way (holding ctrl key while dragging).
Right now, the only way around was to open the files on mono tracks, pan them and render to get a stereo file. Not very efficient…