Edit appearance of Coda and Segno sign

Is there a way to edit Segno and Coda sign?
I can’t find these characters in Edit Music Symbol window.

Interesting, I wonder where they are stored as well.

There are some settings under Engraving Options->Repeat Markers


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I believe the OP wanted to swap the glyph with another one.
Not sure it is possible at all at the moment.

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You can’t do this independently of changing all other text items that use the Music text character style. The coda and segno signs are produced by specifying the appropriate SMuFL glyphs and applying the Music text character style.

Thank you.
As a side note, you can hide the default repeat marker and use text for non-SMuFL-compatible font.
スクリーンショット 2024-02-20 10.51.44

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Hi there
this is so far the only post I can find that some how mentions my confusion.
I’d like to replace the current segno and coda sign with my own design, in edit music symbol window, like I did for almost everything from clef to notehead, but I can’t find these two symbols by searching the names. Are they stored under a different name? or they are just special cases that we just can’t edit


Welcome to the forum, @alexwang10630. You can’t replace the coda and segno signs, because they are inserted using the appropriate SMuFL characters from the font defined in the Music text character style (in Library > Character Styles). If you want to get really fancy, you could produce your own updated font based on Bravura Text that replaces the coda and segno symbols with your own. But probably it would be better to simply hide the real repeat markers and add system-attached text in an appropriate style that uses your preferred symbols.

It would be nice to provide the ability to override these symbols in a more direct way, as this does come up from time to time.

I was just playing around with this (changing the font in Character Styles) and that does seem a relatively simple way to get different glyphs for the segno and coda symbols. Daniel, if you don’t mind my asking, what’s the rationale for NOT having the Music Text font in Character Styles change automatically when you change the Music Font itself? If I change the Music Font to, say, Finale Jazz, wouldn’t I normally also want the Music Text font to also be set to Finale Jazz, specifically for things like segnos and codas? Thanks!

If you change the music font via Library > Music Font, Dorico will change all the font, paragraph and character styles in one go, assuming it knows what fonts to choose. But if you change the style of an individual font style in Library > Font Styles, that won’t change anything else.