Been on CB 11 for a while. Now in CB 14. In CB 11 I could edit multiple MIDI tracks in the key editor. However I cannot do that in CB 14. When I highlight the midi tracks and open the key editor, I only see notes from one track. Is there a way to do this?
It works the same way, as it was in Cubase 11. Moreover you can use the Visibility tab in the Key Editor in Cubase 14.
I tried to attach a short video to describe the problem but cannot do so. I can’t even see notes on different tracks much less edit them. I highlight both midi tracks, open the key editor and only see notes from one of the tracks. I did this in CB 11 for years. What am I doing wrong?
I’ll try to attach a video describing the problem.
(Attachment is missing)
I may have figured it out. My key command was to “open the key editor of selected tracks”, which seemed reasonable . When I changed the key command to just “open Key editor”, it works as I am used to, at least so far.
In Cubase you don’t edit MIDI Tracks (like in most other DAWs). Instead Cubase edits MIDI Parts, which do reside on Tracks but are not Tracks themselves. Only the Selected MIDI Parts will show up in the Key Editor. It’s been like this forever.