Hi, please excuse me if this subject has been already discussed, i tried to search on the forum and the manual but failed to find an answer to this.
It is only a trivial thing which is not essential at all, and I could just move on but as I’m new to Dorico I was also curious if this was possible.
Here is the situation:
-Is it possible to make a common staff label like in the horns, with different instrument? i was wondering if i could do the same for the 3 trombones + tuba like below
Trombone and Tuba example – I don’t believe so, no, or at least not without some fairly involved workarounds.
Choir SATB – yes absolutely, either by having 4 players (S/A/T/B) that you can condense, or by having 2 section players whose instrument labels you edit and which you can use divisi on if needed to split them out later, or use a single “choir reduction” instrument with a single label. Several options, depending on what makes most sense to both you and the piece you’re working on.
But, but… in the score you show, trombones and tuba are already grouped (fine secondary brace). The grey image you quote is not very… beautiful and I do prefer the first layout (to my taste).
Generally, we associate T3 with Tuba ; that is tradition. T1 & T2 must be on another staff. Grouping these staves as you wish is not a good idea, because this label would group different instruments (Trombone and Tuba).
As you said, it is a personal preference.
the first screenshot was what i could do by myself. I just didn’t want to see twice the word ‘trombone’.
And I personally prefer have a single ‘trombone’ in the middle of 2 staffs so I can have same visual comfort like horns when reading from a certain distance let’s say, although it is just a matter of fraction of second I do find the fatigue adds up eventually…
And sorry if I didn’t understood right, but i’m not sure what you mean by your 2nd paragraph; Isn’t me grouping T1/2 and T3/Tuba corresponding to the tradition you mention? My question consists only for the visual aspect of staff label without wanting to group instruments otherwise. Sorry if I didn’t make myself clear about this!