I’m trying out WaveLab Elements 9.5, and I’m a bit stumped. I can select a portion of the left or right channel with the mouse, but when I attempt to play the selection, it plays back both channels, even though only channel is clearly selected.
Didn’t quite understand what you were saying, but I figured it out: Hold ALT and then hold down the mouse button on the L or R section of the waveform that I want to play. Thank you
Could we have a mute / solo button for left right channel in the audio editor in future releases (of WL pro)? The playback tool is a bit weird to use, at the hover line is not always clear and it keeps switching between stereo and mono. I find that it confuses me more than it helps me resolve (; Also, the playback of mono channels is stereo. Would be nice to have the option to hear it only on the left or right speaker.
I do find myself quick reviewing files left or right channels before mastering, to check for audible differences in level. Agreed, it doesn’t happen every day, but it does happen, especially on unbalanced mixes.
Not sure if this applies to Elements 9.5 but FYI in WL Pro there’s a workaround for this using the supplied Mix6To2 plugin. Simply set the left or right Output faders level to -infinity in order to mute either the left or right channel. Each position can be saved as a preset and/or stored on the A/B comparison buttons for instant switching. To return to standard stereo playback simply bypass or switch off the plugin.You can of course use Mix6To2 in the Playback Processing section of the Master Section.