I have a UR44C with the Basic FX Suite Rev.2 installed and registered in a hardware eLicenser. Some time ago there was much talk about moving that software to Steinberg Licensing, with a promise (as I remember it) that the facility would be available “by the end of the year”. The end of the year is approaching rapidly, so I would expect there to be at least an availability date, but I have now heard nothing further for quite some time and can find no details anywhere. Have I missed it? Is this still a plan? Is there something I need to do?
same problem.
still no news about that…
The eLicencer Service is shutting down in early 2025, according to Steinberg’s document.
:eLicenser Service Closes Down in 2025 | Steinberg
What’s “early 2025” January, February, March?
I guess we’ll just have to be patient, and watch this space, there is still some 3 months to go.
Same problem here. (Steinberg UR22C+ Basic FX Suite Rev.2 on a soft-elicencer)
I also have a Sequel 3 Free in the same soft elicencer and I dont knwo how to move them.
I have the same problem here (if it’s a problem at all!).
I have UR242 and UR44C interfaces. First connected to desktop and second - to the laptop for a mobile studio equip. So both interface bundles have license for Basic FX Suite. First - in a dongle, second - in the Soft eLicenser.
People, you misunderstood something. The licenses are for the plugins that are installed into the computer. The FX modules inside the interface don’t need any license. Read this: Steinberg Licensing on Basic FX Suite - #31 by steve
Next. The slot of interface FX in the Input track uses the interface from the UR Tools, not the plugin. So it also don’t need license (just checked this rigth now).
So for sure the only situation when you need license is if you use those FX plugins in your projects. Of course this is inconvenient if you need to redo your old projects and replace FX plugins with stock plugins that come with Cubase. I also have old projects where I (accidentally) added REV-X plugins. It’s not serious.
For best studio quality you will use more serious plugins. REV-X is good for live sessions. But for live sessions you don’t need any license because you use FX modules that are inside the interface.
I have not misunderstood; I know that only the VST plugins are affected. There may be technically better solutions, however, I have chosen to use these plugins within both Cubase and VST Live and to replace them within my existing projects would require work. Don’t forget we all work differently, replacing those plugins may be an inconvenience for you, it will be a major hassle for me!
This licensing change is the choice of, and for the benefit of, Steinberg. I have not asked for this change; it is being imposed upon me. I have paid for licenses and don’t much care where they reside. I would however expect any responsible company to make provision for users of their currently supported software to be able to keep using it. Steinberg have said in previous posts that they will do this, and have not yet indicated when this will happen. I am fine until e-licensing stops, or my dongle breaks (which they do with surprising regularity!), I do however need to know when an alternative will be available so I can plan accordingly. I am just asking for their plans!
Same here. I used the FX on several projects, reverbs and Yamaha amp., changing everything will be such a hassle.
2024 ends in two months, letting people know what’s gonna happen with the products they bought is below the minimum.
I don’t care where the licenses reside, or if there is a problem because it is a Yamaha product. When I bought it from Steinberg, I expected I would be able to use it on my projects, not redo my projects beacuse the rights for using it has been revoked.
The license will not expire at 01.01.2025, the announcement from Steinberg says early 2025, without any exact date. So your license will keep on working, even when the eLicensing Servers are shutdown.
Some time ago @Ed_Doll wrote in a chat that these licenses will be migrated, but again not specific date.
I have to ask for a little more patience. We plan to release an updated version in November.
That’s great - many thanks Ed.
Many thanks.
The Sun starts shining brighter!
Thank you!
Thank you Ed! I’m really looking forward to this update. My AXR4U will feel complete on Apple Silicon with the new Steinberg licensing once this is all migrated over
Currently I don’t have the Advanced FX Suite installed because of the eLicenser requirement.
Fingers crossed the updates come out soon.
Shows as activated in my activation manager but when I launch Cubase and try to load it as an insert, or load a song that uses it already, it gives me the error message about not finding proper licence on e-licencer.
Did you instal the new Release from the Download page? There is a description what needs to be done to get the new components active.
I have installed the update for the urc24 (3.2). the pluggins (rev-x-room e.g.) report license not found. The pluggins are not listed in the Activation Manager. I did not get a voucher, as described on the URC download page. How can I fix this?
The plugins are not listed separately, the BasicFX Suite is shown in the Activation Manager.
Did you register the BasicFX Suite in your mySteinberg profile? Make sure your eLicenser Control Center runs a maintenance check, so that everything is up to date. The voucher should appear automatically in your account.
The Basic FX suite can be seen in the old usb elicenser and is activated. How can I activated the Basic FX Suite in the new steinberg licens system? I received the Basic FX Suite with the purchase of a URC 24. The URC24 is registered in the old Steinberg Online License System.
yes my software (elicenser, aktivation manager, download manager) are up to date.