eLicenser is now a thing of the past

Very often when opening a Cubase (Pro 14) file, it displays the notice that a problem related to eLicencer has occurred. The initialization is blocked, I can use the Steinberg licensed products, but if I want to use the eLicenser products, I have to restart my computer and there is a nice Abort button.

I find this annoying and useless. We know that eLicenser is now a thing of the past. Do we really need to be reminded of this…

In the end, I didn’t lose that much money with the new Steinberg licensing system.

I lost two libraries, well not completely because I can still use them with Cubase version 11, namely: Synthesizers VST Sound Instrument Set that I used with HALion One and Prologue Discoveries VST Sound Instrument Set that was already no longer possible to use with version 12.

Please stop reminding me that they are no longer usable since eLicenser System is closed.

This simply means that some of your products still require the eLicenser, have you looked into the eLicenser Control Center if there is something that has not been marked as “Upgraded to Steinberg Licensing”?

Why don’t you leave the USB stick connected to your computer, so that it is detected immediately?

No, it is not. As long as you have products not upgraded it is still needed and it will be needed as long as you are using these products.

Why do you think the system is closed? It is not, as can be read in the documentation on the Support site. The shutdown is planned for May 2025, so it is still there.


this error means that there is some elicenser based VST Sound installed so our licensing system tries to find it on the elicenser when you launch Cubase but the elicenser hangs or has some other error due to the fact that the elicenser tends to be instable/unreliable.
if I understand your situation correctly, you keep using elicenser based VST Sounds with Cubase 11, right? That means that uninstalling this content is no option for you. Usually you could uninstall elicenser based VST Sounds if you don’t use them and you wouldn’t see the elicenser error message anymore.
If you only use Steinberg licensing based products with Cubase 14, you can try the following workaround and you won’t see the elicenser error anymore, but you also won’t be able to use any elicenser based VST Sounds inside Cubase 14: Cubase 13 - "An eLicenser problem occured" from SAM - #7 by Elias1957

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You are right, the shutdown is scheduled for May 2025, it is my mistake.

However, my USB dongle is still connected, I do not see the point of disconnecting it, because I still use Cubase 11 for many unfinished projects that use these libraries that will never be updated for the new Steinberg licensing system. Of course, I can always disconnect the key when I use Cubase 14.

It is still curious. I have never encountered this kind of error and notice with Cubase 12 and 13. I updated Cubase 14 as soon as it was released and this error has only been occurring for a few days.

This morning, nothing, everything works without error.


As you may have read in the post, I do indeed have eLicensers that I still use with Cubase 11 for a good number of unfinished projects that might see the light of day at some point.

I will take note of the link you included in your answer, because indeed, with Cubase 14, I only use Steinberg licensing based products.

Thanks for the solution.

I’m still using Virtual Guitarist 2 via J Bridge on Cubase 14 which needs eLicenser.

Is there any way I can keep using it as it’s brilliant if the elicencer fails.


Your eLicenser keeps on working so you can use your software even when the server is shutdown. What you can not do is add or update licenses on it. See here

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