Elicenser problem or..?

Defalarca kaldırıp yüklememe rağmen ,cubase lisansım elicenserde görünmüyor.Cubaseyi açtığımda aşağıdaki uyarıyı alıyorum.Birde elicenser penceresi bozuk görünüyor.

Although I have uninstalled and installed it many times, my cubase licence does not appear in elicenser.When I open cubase, I get the following warning.Also the elicenser window seems to be broken.

Translated via deepl.com

Although I have uninstalled and installed it many times, my cubase licence does not appear in elicenser.When I open cubase, I get the following warning.Also the elicenser window seems to be broken.

What Cubase release do you have? I assume it is Cubase 12, which is not using the eLicenser any longer. You need to start the Authorization Manager and activate the license.

However, some instruments and sounds are still licensed via the eLicenser, so you need to have the eLicenser connected to your machine.

Can you please post a screenshot of the licenses in the eLicenser Control Center? But make sure you hide the license numbers before uploading the picture

Uploading: IMG_8467.jpg…
Cubase le 12 lisansım var

I’m sorry, but you haven’t uploaded the image, so that I can see it.

Did you look into the Activation Manager to see if your license is visible there and activated?

Here you can find all information about the new Licensing System

Uploading: IMG_8476.jpg…

Please wait for the image to finish uploading before clicking the “Reply” button.

Please take a screenshot of your eLicenser Control Center too.

I’ve been waiting for help from you for 1 month. I don’t understand what kind of company this is. Why can’t I use the program if I have a license. Do I have to buy elicenser usb. Usb elicenser is not available in the markets anyway.

You do not have licenses for any of the software shown in the first post, only Cubase AI 12. Please uninstall all Steinberg libraries using the Steinberg Library Manager, then uninstall all Steinberg software besides Cubase LE AI Elements 12 and the Steinberg Download Assistant.

Run the Steinberg Download Assistant and download ONLY the content for your Cubase version, listed to the right:

If anything is shown as already downloaded/installed, please click “Install again” to make sure that it has been reinstalled.