ELicenses Validation Email

Cubase 10.5 is running on my iMac 10.13.6. When I open Cubase, the program requires an update for ELicensor. I successfully downloaded the updated version and installed it.

Please refer to the screenshot that shows which version of ELicensor I m using.

The license for Cubase 10.5 does not display in the Elicense window on the right. The Elicenser is tied to an old Email address. The domain expeired myears ago. I have no way to recieve the Validation code. See the screenshot for the window I’m referring to.

What’s the right way to solve this prolem?

Screen Shot 2020-09-30 at 3.26.24 PM.png

You should probably submit a support request. Maybe someone will see your post and PM you but better to start a support ticket.

The support request should be to Steinberg rather than ELicensor, yes?


NIce tracks

This is my latest:

Thanks for your help.

Thanks. Good job to you also.