Eliminate Double-Dotted Notes

I thought there was a setting to eliminate double-dots on notes, but I cannot seem to locate it.

Does such a setting exist, and if so, where?

Notation Options>Note Grouping>Rhythm Dots

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Try one of these methods (grabbed from the online manual), @Derrek — “I double-dot dare you.”

  1. Optional: Change the number of rhythm dots in any of the following ways:
  • Press Alt/Opt-. to cycle through different numbers of rhythm dots.
  • In the Notes toolbox, click and hold Dotted Notes [image], then click the number of rhythm dots you want.

2.Dotted Notes* [image] in the Notes toolbox updates to indicate the current number of rhythm dots. You can input notes with up to four rhythm dots.

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Thank you, @Janus. I knew I had seen it before (and set it), but an XML import fouled everything up.

This time I set it as default so I can hope I will not have to deal with it again.