EM techniques comment box?

Any chance of having an info/comments box on each EM technique definition?

Messing around with EMs is fraught with difficulties. I make a change, something breaks. Two tweaks later and I’ve forgotten where I started, or why… Added to which no 2 VSTs seem to behave the same.

It would be really helpful to be able to record why I chose particular parameters and/or what they were before I changed them and made a mess of things!


That’s a good idea.

There is at least a Description field in the Expression Map Data section that allows you to provide some free-form text.

I assume you’re aware that you can enable or disable each EM technique with the tickbox so can add a number of variants and quickly test what works and what doesn’t as you go along. That way, you won’t lose any settings you have been trying out until you’re sure something is wrong and can then delete that one. That’s how I tend to work.

But of course the Description field is for the EM in general and not the individual entries so I also find your request a good idea and I’m sure I’d use it too.

Yes, it’s useful. But I use that to remind me what each CC does for the particular VST. It’s not much help when experimenting.

Yes. I make copies of each technique as I experiment. That raises an additional problem that the technique name field does not expand! So it’s tricky to differentiate each, unless I preface them with 1,2,3 etc. which then messes things up because the list only sorts in alphabet order!

I really appreciate the core functionality, but the practical workflow does not appear to have been thought through to the logical conclusion.

yes, there are a few things missing still here (for instance more sorting options, ability to create sets or folders, batch copying etc). But I’m pretty pleased with the huge advance of Dorico 3.5, even just compared to 3.0 and I’m sure some of the stuff which seems half finished will be more so in v4.