Not a big deal, but after going into Layout Options: Vertical Spacing and hiding empty staves in all systems (and checking Allow individual staves of multi-staff instruments to be hidden), on three separate pages, staves are not hiding:
Score attached. Any ideas? I’m not seeing any items, like hidden clefs, in those systems but I might be missing something. Thanks. impermanence (staves hidden).dorico (1.5 MB)
For some reason that I’ve either never known or forgotten, pedal lines are attached to the first (default top) staff of grand staff instruments, meaning that if there’s a pedal line that staff will show for the duration of the pedal line.
In your file the top staff becomes the second staff down from bar 72 onwards (as at that point you’ve added a staff above).
With some judicious reshuffling of the material you can work around it.
Thanks, but nothing I’ve tried seems to work. As soon as I create a pedal marking, even starting at measure 196, the empty staves are unhidden. Not a big deal; I can go without hidden empty staves, but this seems like there should be a way for playing techniques (eg, pedal markings) to not affect empty staves.