End-dynamic inconsistency

Dear all,

in the German speaking facebook group, an issue came up which I was unable to explain.
In the upper example, the p is attached to the first beat of the following measure, while in the staff below it is correctly placed at the last eigth of the bar.
Ideas? It seems like a dotted quarter is just too small for this figure, but changing the grid resolution doesn’t have any effect.

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When you enter dynamics like that in the popover, Dorico will give a one quarter (crotchet) minimum duration to the gradual dynamics created.

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I see, thank you. Any intentions of changing it, as this could easily be played like that in a slower tempo?

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I suggest you show the caret and input the dynamics by advancing the grid at a suitable resolution, rather than doing it from a single selected item, as this will give you greater control over the duration of each gradual dynamic.

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