ENGRAVE Menu Issue

Hello Dorico Friends,
I am using Dorico Pro 5 on a Macbook Pro .

Having a lot of problems trying to get my Project TItle and Flows renamed properly. Just watched the new video on Engraving, and “Engrave Options” is mentioned and shown a few times. I can not figure out how to get to Engrave Options. Below is a screen shot of what I get when I have Engrave chosen and go to the Engrave button above. Help is appreciated.

Project title and flows will be renamed in menu File > Project Info (⌘I).

Yes, thank you, I have been working with that. Can you please look at the screen shot and tell me how I can get to Engraving Options?

Engraving Options are in menu Library (⇧⌘E)

Thanks so much! Now I need to find the place where I can make a changes to my preference for the Text Font and size globally for Project Info and Flows.

You find those in menu Library: Font Styles… and Paragraph Styles…
You can also create your own styles to use wherever you want: remember to click on the star icon (Save as Default) in the dialogues, to make your personalised styles available in all Projects .