enharmonic problems with inputting notes

I’m inserting notes into Trombone 1 and Trombone 2. The key is b flat minor.

Trb 1: Playing an b flat on the keyboard it will notated as an b flat
Trb 2: Playing an b flat on the keyboard it will notated as an a a sharp
Trb 1: Changing a note with lock duration on to b flat it will be notated as a sharp.

Trb 2: Insert long notes (whole note) it will notates as a sharp
Trb 2: Insert small notes (half note) it will be notated as a sharp measure and as b flat in the next measures.
I have setup a new score and insert a new player (trombone) and after that choosen to duplicate the trombone as a second trombone.

Score included

GodIsADj.dorico.zip (440 KB)

My suspicion is that it automatically notates A#s because there are various A#s in the previous bar (before the key change). You can always use alt-- and alt-+ (alt-+ in this case) to respell as you see fit.

Yes it looks this is the ‘problem’. When I respell the note with with the alt-+ key then the next note would be correct notated. It is strange that the notes after the keychange won’t be changed directly.