I have music (barbershop) where, in this case, the bass voice (voice 2 on the bass clef staff) is a full rest, while the baritone (voice 1) has notes. How do I enter a full rest for the bass voice? I’ve tried pressing period (.) but could not get any success.
With the caret active, make sure that it is set to that voice, press Shift+B and enter rest into the popover.
I did that but the whole note rest is actual at the bottom of the staff. How do I move it up higher on the staff to what would be a more normal position?
There may be a property available in Engrave mode but I can’t remember sorry
Indeed, select the rest, and in the Properties panel activate the Rest position property, then nudge it up or down as you wish.
More frustration. At first I clicked on the arrow, then on the rest…but where is the properties panel? So then I tried it again, but clicking on the arrow key wouldn’t select the rest. And if I then pressed “V” (in case I was on voice 1 of that staff and needed to switch to voice 2) the rest disappeared and the notes for voice 1 became voice 2 notes (based on the color and stem changes) and the rest disappeared.
Thank goodness for the ctrl-Z command to go back in actions. I’ve had to use that very frequently while trying to figure out Dorica because sometimes Dorico all of a sudden puts in a bunch of notes for no apparent reason.
I assume that the proper way to select a staff and voice is to click on the arrow icon, then click on the desired staff, then use V to get the caret and see what voice you are on.
In the Lower zone. Press Cmd+8
If you have a single note selected, you will also see in the status bar at the very bottom of the window a read-out of information about the selection, which includes a description of the voice the selected note is in.