Within the new channel strip feature of Cubase 13, the quick EQ (top left) is amazing! What I would love implemented is an integration of “knobs” instead of exclusive “sliders”. Knobs are much more preferred!

I prefer knobs as well. At least give us the option!


Hi nebulka,
starting with the first maintenance update of C13, any eq-popup display will follow the eq-settings selected in the channel settings window.
Best regards


Amazing! That will be awesome!

I don’t follow this. Using the Settings button in the EQ you can choose knobs or sliders, exactly as per the first image. So what is it that you require apart from that?

The request is probably about the pop-up versions, not the one of the Channel Settings window.

Could you please remind me where the setting is? I’ve seen it, but for the life of me I cannot find it…

In the Channel Settings window, click on the Equalizer panel, ‘indented wheel’ button :

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Thanks a bunch! I swear I would have never found them by myself!