not sure if I miss something here
but I noticed tat I got sound in areas where I used a low cut.
It looks like the low cut is not working fully here, or what do I miss?
but in your case it seems that reactor, which is master 1, does it, and KT aux, which is slave, only shows input to reactor, and if you want to remove it behind the low cut, you have to go into that channel and make a low cut. think you can shift in the same window by pressing or moving the channel.
It’s been a while since I did that, but try it.
something that bothers me, is that I can only see down to -24 db. at least I want to see down to -48 or more. and that it should be scalable in DB and HZ, alternatively that I can scale up the entire chanel window to full screen.
Your arrow points to the orange line. Is this by mistake or do you expect the comparison track to be affected by the filter?
If you wonder why there is a bit of blue area in the red area: A filter reduces volume of a frequency span. Your low cut filter is set to 24 dB/octave. So it takes the span of an octave to reduce the signal from 0 dB to -24dB.
well you can switch between the EQs clicking the blue or red comparision object.
In this case I edit the orange KT aux 1 EQ and it should filter the bass out :-/
True, apologies, didn’t notice the orange line. No idea why the filter doesn’'t work, on my system it works as expected.
Is this an audio track or instrument track or?..
The filters aren’t located in the same place in the signal chain as the rest of the EQ, so if you create a sound literally after those cut filters they’re not going to change the sound. I don’t entirely recall where these things are located but I think for sure an input signal - i.e. something coming into a group or FX track or something being read from disk - will be subject to the cut filters, and anything after that point won’t be.
I wouldn’t rule out a display error… apart from that, I generally find the channel FFT very unreliable in the low end anyway, probably because of a rather low FFT size/number of bins.
I would insert a proper frequency analyzer like SPAN or supervision on an insert and double check with that.
Do you have any effects inserted on the track? Inserts are after the pre section. Distortion/saturation generates low frequency information.
its an instrument track and the EQ is located last in the chain.
So all Effects are in slots 1-4 and the green seperator line states that the Cubase EQ comes in on the last slots afterwards.
So, all in all the low ct should display correctly. I keep an eye on it and will put an analyzer to the last slot as well…
That’s correct. But the ‘pre’ section comes before everything. It is before your inserts. The filters you are using are in the pre section in the image above. If you used the filters on bands one and four of the EQ, they would be post inserts.
Also: in your original screenshot, the activity at the low end is on your comparison channel (orange) and not the selected channel (blue).
and POST is displayed in the EQ graph, so we are back at the beginning
Filters don’t cut the sound completely, but gradually.
For example a 24dB / octave filter (like you have on your screenshot) will remove 24dB of volume for each octave below the cutoff point.
The signal chain for each channel has the cut filters first, before inserts. If you’re using an instrument track it’s entirely possible that the cut filters there too are before the actual instrument. If this is the case then you’re not going to be cutting any low end using that filter. In other words:
- cut filters → 2. instrument → 3. inserts → 4. the four band EQ…
is the suggestion that the PRE section is before a VST instrument track? I sure hope not–that seems like kinda a major design oversight.
seems like a difficult case to explain with a single screenshot and textual description. it should be fairly obvious what’s going on if we could see a video of what’s happening–especially if you can recreate similar behavior in another track.
I don’t think so and this is easy enough to test. I use the Pre section on the majority of my channels, including instrument tracks and it always works as advertised.
The output of the VSTi is the source of that channel, just as a wave file is the source on an audio track.
The Cubase channel EQ is grouped together with the rest of the Channel Strip. The Channels Strip, with the EQ included, can be set by the user to be either before or after pre-fader inserts. The Pre section however, is always first right after the source audio.
Could this be connected to this one?
What effects do you have inserted in slots one to four of the channel where you have unwanted low end information?