Every so often my Cubase 9.5.50 instal/system reverts from my Focusrite USB ASIO driver to the generic low latency driver, seemingly out of of nowhere, of it’s own accord… Usually it’s a simple matter of going into VST Audio System and switching back to the Focusrite driver. Now for some reason however when I go into Studio Setup/VST Audio System and click in the driver selection drop down arrow and click on the Focusrite option (which is still there in the list of options) I get the following error message: Cannot Open Focusrite USB ASIO. (Error Code: 0x54f).
The focusrite I/O hasn’t been changed or anything and still plays all my normal system sounds, mouse clicks, video, Internet etc. It is just a Cubase issue. I notice that on startup the Hub no doesn’t automatically connect to the internet as it used to. It comes up with a; “No internet connection” message which is strange as I’m obviously connected and have no trouble connecting through the support and forum tab to get here. Perhaps that is just some other “bug” I don’t know about.
Further to this. If I go into Audio connections/Inputs then look at the Audio Device column, there is now only the low latency generic or “Not connected” available as options. Pretty sure the Focusrite needs to be available in that list and used to be. Any suggestions?
Anyway can anyone direct me regarding the Audio issue. I can’t produce and mix through a generic low latency driver and laptop speakers. What has happened within Cubase to cause this issue of not being able to utilise Focusrite Audio driver suddenly?
Here you can read more about the Windows Error Code: 0x54f.
I had this error code. ( 0x54f ). Do not download any repair software until you check your current driver. I found that my is not newest. therefore I downloaded the last one on the list. After reinstalling process everything is alright. Unfortunately I bought some PcRepair and it does not work with this error. I need to wait for refund right now.
Hello Goosecat, did you found a solution for your Focusrite USB ASIO driver? I seem to have the same problem right now in Cubase…11…
Hey boud.
Hmm this is a long time ago. I think, though can’t be certain, I removed the 2i2 altogether then downloaded the latest 2i2 drivers from Focusrite which from memory included an upgrade of something though can’t recall what. Then reconnected it within Cubase and all was good.
I’m having this problem with my new Scarlett solo. Updated all the new drivers, even paid for the PC optomizer app, still getting the same code and it doesnt work. I have a second gen 18i20 that works just fine and the solo works for everything else, but it won’t hook up to Cubase for some reason.
I also had this. Then i realised i was pressing Thunderbolt vs USB
I had this problem today, because I have just started using my laptop for cubase as a pose to my PC. I reinstalled the drivers 2 times, restarting my laptop each time - when this didn’t work, I figured it was some other software error, after hunting for a while I just tried switching the USB-C cable I use for my interface, and it worked absolutely fine . I hope this saves anyone the loops I ran around.
This just leads to buy pc repair for atleast $30. Potential scam
hey goosecat, just jumped over to a steinberg controller better stay in the same hardware family