Hello - I’m almost 19 hours into a typesetting project for a client and recently had to go out of town, so I took my iPad and got a bit of work done using Dorico for iPad. Now when I try to open the file on my home computer, I get an “Error opening file” message. I need to finish this project in the next week or so, and can’t in good conscience bill for 19 hours that I have to repeat, so I’m greatly hoping someone can help me with this! Thank you!
Dorico makes backup copies by default in the “Backup Projects” folder; plus you’ll have your own backup strategy: so you should have a copy of most of the work you’ve put in somewhere.
For more than that, you’ll need to send the damaged file to one of the Steinberg team.
Thanks! For some reason this particular file isn’t showing up in the Dorico Backups folder, which may or may not relate to the issue - I’ll reach out to the team. Thank you!
Check the Trash for AutoSave copies, and also any backups you made, e.g. Time Machine on Mac will make them every hour.
Thank you! Yes, I ended up finding it in an additional backup folder Dorico had created that I didn’t even know existed. I’ve since gone into the settings and made sure it’s saving everything where I’m expecting!
Thanks again!
I’m have the same error, and have tried everything already discussed here, but no luck. Ironically, the test file i created before buying the app is still there and functioning. But the file created after purchasing the app will not open. Please advise.
Welcome to the forum, @JGarcia. I’m sorry to hear you’ve run into this problem. We released an update last weekend to version 5.1.52 that we hoped would have solved this problem. Can you send me the project that won’t open, in case I’m able to recover any of it? You can either attach it here or send it to me by email at d dot spreadbury at steinberg dot de.
Girl From Ipanema 2.dorico (62.6 KB)
Your Dorico project is corrupted and will not open, but I have managed to salvage the file called “preview.pdf” from within it. It will give you a guide as to what was in the layout that was open when the project was last saved. You will need to re-enter the notes manually or scan them to musicxml if you have an application to do that.
The procedure I used is to make a copy of the file, change the file extension (.dorico) of the copy to .zip, and then open it with a file decompression application. Inside the folder that is created will be various folders and files, including “preview.pdf”. Depending on how badly damaged a Dorico project is, this procedure sometimes works, sometimes doesn’t.
preview.pdf (49.8 KB)
I’m really sorry that your project ended up corrupted, @JGarcia. I’ve re-entered the music from the PDF that @StevenJones01 recovered from your project to try to get you back up and running again.
Girl from Ipanema.dorico (528.7 KB)