Errors when moving sound libraries

Steinberg Library Manager

SO really the original file structure does not matter? Cubase does not care about folders such as “content” etc? I am moving the rest now


The SLM writes the file locations to the Mediabay database, that database is where Cubase and all other Steinberg products obtain the file paths for content when it is called up by the user.

I have most of my content in the root level of my removable ssd, G:/

The rest is in the location Steinberg defaults to using, C:/ProgramData.

Ok so the file locations, which I knew all along since I had the SLM open all the time, is d:/Steinberg.

SO now it seems to only come down to that one file. Maybe corrupted or so when downloading. Is that possible?

I don’t know if those files remaining is ok but I assume that the shortcuts is the way the system works? Are all those shortcuts supposed to be in c now after moving the files?

and the folder in c where the not movable file is located:

DOes this look right or wrong?

You might not ned that file, anyway.

Do you own the Full version of Groove Agent?

FCP_776* is only used with the full Groove Agent, not the included one with Groove Agent SE that comes with Cubase AI.

It is the smt_137 I cannot move

Right. The 1 KB files are aliases. No need to worry about that.

First, confirm in SLM that all the content is on your D:/Steinberg/ and none anywhere else.

Gimme a sec, maybe I can help with that

I am worried about the first screenshot of c. Those are not just shortcuts but occupy more space (don’t know why you call them aliases, since they obviously point to the new location?).

Probably best not to mess with the aliases. They take up almost no space.

Windows Shortcuts, (.lnk files) are a type of alias.

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I probably should have just copied the whole big Steinberg folder. As you see in the first screenshot there are lots of files left or archives.

At this point I would do nothing else until you have used the program for a while. The files are not doing any damage, and I myself will not tell you to delete anything (or I shouldn’t!) since I do not have hands on your machine.

I know you may be more familiar with other versions than my ai one. SO it might look different. SHould it not all have been moved?

This type of thing is identical across all current Cubase and Nuendo versions. Not to worry

You probably have everything under control now, I really suggest that you move on to playing with Cubase and making some music. Later you can revisit all this, and you’ll probably have a better understanding of all of it.

Definitely you should open up the Media Bay inside Cubase and dig around in there as part if your getting started with Cubase process.

If I had just CUT out the whole Steinberg folder on c and pasted it on D:, leaving NOTHIng on c then according to my logic, I would not have any worries. Now there are a lot of files left which I don’t know owe to them not having been copied, since I tried copying from both HALION and GROOVE agent in SLM at the same time to save time. hmm

Normally, only the SLM would be used for this. But the program is robust as far as how it manages files.

Even the 1 KB files are displayed in the SLM with their details. If they are in the place you want them, you and probably delete the extras.

Now, really – take a break from this for your mental health, and clarity.

I really don’t see how it will work with files in d and c as well? DId you see my screenshots abobe from C. SHOUld they not be empty???

Don’t worry.

I don’t know what all you did on your end.