Eucon: S3 and Dock not showing inserts, level meters etc

Eucon is working, I see track names and have control over faders, but

There is nothing in :
no level meters,
nothing in Mixer, Tracks and Meters tabs in Avid Control

Anyone know what the issue is and how to fix? thx

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I have the same problem with the S1 controllers and Avid Control app. No meters. I just bought new Android tablets to see if more display horsepower would solve the problem. No dice.
I want my meters!
And for some reason, you and I seem to be the only ones for whom this doesn’t work.

Sometimes Eucon devices and software ‘glitches’ if versions aren’t the same, so maybe check that. Also double-check settings.

I haven’t had this issue but I have had others.

I uninstalled Avid software and reinstalled and upgraded to new Galaxies and iPads to run the control software. Everything is running on a dedicated local wired network with static IPs. Changed to an older gigabit switch to avoid power-saving network features. Wireless is disabled.
The displays quickly respond to the activity in Cubase (new tracks, etc.), but they don’t show any metering! Possibly they don’t show other things because I don’t know what to compare them to. Dock wheel doesn’t do anything — which is disappointing — but transport buttons do.

Cubase says EuCon verson built Jul 16 2023; all the Avid software is the latest downloadable versions:

  • The apps are at 2023.11.0.266,
  • EUControl is 2023.11.0.121 . (Eucon version
  • The S1s and Dock are at 21.8.1 firmware.
    If there’s a way to update the Eucon library in Cubase, it’s not obvious how to do so.

I appreciate the suggestions. As far as I can tell, things are pretty thoroughly checked.

Is it possible that the problem is that I’m running Windows 11?

There was a problem with the Avid software in Win 11 which required disabling memory integrity checking. (Not a good sign as to Avid’s code quality that I had to do that). I naturally assume Windows code downloadable in 2024 runs with windows 11, but this hasn’t been updated in awhile and the memory problem hasn’t been fixed. Perhaps everyone who’s got it to work is still suffering with Windows 10?