Eucon software

my cubase 13 pro has been working fine ,but today I’m getting a message that ‘no valid eucon software can be found on the system, please reinstall the eucon adaptor’. please help.


I would try to reinstall Cubase.

should I uninstall cubase first?


If you are on Windows, you can go for Repair. But to be on safe side, yes, you can uninstall it first, then install it back as an administrator.

You tried a full system shutdown / restart? That is a go-to troubleshooting step if you haven’t already.

Hi, had the same issue after inserting the “SuperVision” plugin into an Insert slot of the Control Room.
After deleting it, it worked again as expected.
(I’m running EuControl Version 2021.10.1.29 (EUCON Version: All newer versions of that software are no more running properly with the Avid Artist Mix and Control.)

no the reinstall did not work for me.