Every time i click WL in my dock it opens a new copy of itself

currently 6 copies open… none of them responsive. when i click back to the “original” it just opens a new copy.

i’ve even restarted my Mac… has been working fine all day, until now.

the original is there on the left, next to ProTools, where i keep it. but clicking it doesn’t switch to it, it opens a new version of itself… i can never actually use the program, as switching to it only opens a new copy.

restarting didn’t help. i can try trashing preferences and such.

Prevent apps and windows from reopening on Mac - Apple Support

yeah, that stuff is already set. i’ve been using WL for years and never had this problem until now. and using it all day today and it just started happening out of the blue.

if i switch to the program via cmd-tab on the mac it’s fine, if i click the dock icon WaveLab opens a new copy of itself instead of switches to the currently open copy.

no other application on my mac is behaving this way.

it may end up fixing itself as easily as it brought itself on. we’ll see. i’ll restart again.

If an app appears to be duplicating itself on your Mac, it could be due to a few reasons: a corrupted app installation, a misconfigured login item, an issue with the Dock, or a third-party app causing interference; to resolve this, you can try checking your login items, verifying the app’s installation location, restarting the Dock, or using a utility to find and remove duplicate app files. (Source - Google)

You can also try updating
Steinberg Download Assistant | Steinberg and WL

You the latest wavelab version and the latest macOS version.