Explode when ossia present


I just found that when there is ossia present in a part, the explode function will not work properly.

In this case I am working with exploding 2 oboe parts on one staff to one part per stave. There is an ossia for each of the oboes so I add ossia above from bar 41:2 to end of 44. (Meter 3/4). When trying to explode anything, later or earlier in the piece, after this operation, there is only one line visible. The second one ends up in the ossia for oboe 2, that is not even visible. When I add the ossia in that bar the second oboe line is there…

The problem is now that not even deleting the ossias will get my explode function back to normal.

Can you reproduce this?


Just found another problem. I wanted to cue Oboe I in Oboe II. Not possible. It turns out that the cue function gets what is in the (non-present) ossia staff.

In the previous post, I solved it by doing my explode session to two temporary staves, but this thing with the cues… Do I really have to create extra staves for this?

Hopefully I am just missing something obvious.


Regarding explode into ossia, you are right, that fails to do the right thing right now. It will fail in a similar way for other extra staves that aren’t present at the rhythmic position of explode (divisi and ‘add/remove stave’). I think explode should probably just ignore ossia staves entirely, and for other types of extra staves, it needs to check if they are visible. We will look at that as soon as possible.

Regarding cuing instruments that have ossias: you should find that you see e.g. “Oboe I (a)” and “Oboe I (b)” in the popover: (a) is the first staff (probably the ossia, assuming it’s above the main staff) and (b) is the second staff (probably the main staff). You can cue from either the ossia staff or the main staff.

Ah, I see now. I misread the (a) and (b) for I and II. Thanks for the clarification.